SkillRise Micro-Learning Episodes

Frames from three of the SkillRise micro-learning episodes

Frames from three of the SkillRise micro-learning episodes

Snow&Co is excited to be working with SkillRise to create a series of micro-learning episodes introducing people to the resources SkillRise offers. 

SkillRise is an ISTE Initiative that helps adult learning organizations advance education with technology.

The goal for the micro-learning episodes is to familiarize SkillRise’s target audience (educators of adult learners) with the resources offered and with their value. To accomplish this, we are creating three cross-platform web apps designed to shine on phones, but to work well on computers and tablets as well.  We also want the episodes to be immediately welcoming and easy to use – to entice users to spend a little time learning about SkillRise.

This has led us to designing what might be the first “parallax-scrolling narrative mobile case studies”!

Users interact simply by scrolling down. As they scroll, new scenes and characters appear, telling the episode’s story, and offering choices.  (In some episodes, the user plays a role in the story, and can help determine the outcome.)  Our goal is to make it simple to immediately jump into an episode, and then make it equally easy to scroll a little more to see what happens next.

As each episode unfolds, we highlight connections between each story and two key SkillRise resources:  The Profile of the Lifelong Learner, and the SkillRise Framework, and more detailed resources are offered at the end of each Episode.

The SkillRise Microlearning episodes are HTML5 web apps that run in the browser on iOS and Android mobile devices without any installation needed, and they also work on PCs and Macs and Chromebooks. Illustrations are all vector (to keep things fast.)

The three episodes are:

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATIONS: Getting the Most Out of the Technology You Already Have Play this Episode

LEARNERS FIRST: An Equity-Centered Approach to Educational Access Play this Episode

INTRODUCTION to the Profile of a Lifelong Learner Play this Episode

While the episodes work across devices, they are most fun to play on your phone.



For SkillRise and ISTE: 

Lea Downing; Project Lead, Brandon Olszewski, Joey Lehrman

For Snow&Co:

Bert Snow: Lead Designer, writer,

Cameron Snow: Interactive design, web engineering, UI design, illustration

Jamin Chan: Illustrator

Learn More

To learn more about the SkillRise Microlearning episodes or get a preview, contact Snow&Co

Learn more about SkillRise at

Herbert Snow